[updc2u.sys] File Information
Installation Path | ID:0152792
C:\WINNT\system32\DRIVERS\updc2u.sys |
| ID:0226709 C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\updc2u.sys |
Description |
USB-PDC2 USB ModemEnum Driver Windows 2000 |
Version |
1.00 |
Company Name |
Product Name |
Comments |
Empty Value |
Copyright |
Copyrigth (C) 2000 Auris System Co.Ltd. |
File MD5 |
3b2ad46383efb52ff08c6206ba8dd958 |
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Updated Files
51164d2571caf.dll 5158e72124d96.dll 516dfd7087323.dll ScriptSn.20120723173236.dll CBRT61.sys ltck000C.sys ltcm000c.exe mfkgtky3.sys necmffil.sys necmfhid.sys NemuBar.dll pcmcdf2k.sys TPP300.SYS updc2m.sys wlate48.sys Domru.exe HiUsbSgl.sys LJ-G.sys HedExHS.exe HedExLite.exe CSAutoUpgrader.exe DSAssistant.exe EIAuthenticator.exe emfplus.exe iconOverlay.dll icudt50.dll icuuc50.dll libexiv2-12.dll