[lsb.dll] File Information
Installation Path | ID:0539588
C:\Program Files\Label Spirit Professional\lsb.dll |
| ID:0401705 C:\Program Files\Label Spirit Enterprise\lsb.dll | | ID:0547554 C:\Program Files\Label Spirit Enterprise (Multi-User)\lsb.dll | | ID:0697067 C:\Program Files\Label Spirit PrintOnly\lsb.dll | | ID:0372131 C:\Program Files\Label Spirit Starter\lsb.dll |
Description |
TBarCode ActiveX |
Version | |
Company Name |
TEC-IT Datenverarbeitung GmbH (www.tec-it.com)_Wagnerstr. 6, A-4400 Steyr, AUSTRIA_barcode@tec-it.com_p: +43 (7252) 72720_f: +43 (7252) 72720-77 |
Product Name |
TBarCode ActiveX |
Comments |
If not licensed an additional horizontal bar will be drawn. |
Copyright |
Copyright ©1998-2004 |
File MD5 |
b311b2c6f70de501d4fdba3350e562a8 |
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Updated Files
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