[saslSCRAM.dll] File Information
Installation Path | ID:0864656
C:\Program Files\VisualNeoWeb\neoPhpServer\php\sasl2\saslSCRAM.dll |
| ID:0836219 C:\Program Files\Deep Learning Studio\php\sasl2\saslSCRAM.dll | | ID:0909383 C:\Program Files\LEEDOCAM\LeeDoCam\Apache24\php7\saslSCRAM.dll | | ID:0831088 C:\Program Files\Mailed It!\php\sasl2\saslSCRAM.dll | | ID:0885566 C:\ProgramData\Blumentals\phpxdebug\php722\sasl2\saslSCRAM.dll | | ID:0838051 C:\TimeTrex\php\sasl2\saslSCRAM.dll |
Description |
CMU SASL saslSCRAM plugin |
Version | |
Company Name |
Carnegie Mellon University |
Product Name |
Carnegie Mellon University SASL |
Comments |
Empty Value |
Copyright |
Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University 2002-2017 |
File MD5 |
8738bd7a6cd1a6d29afe5867c640a4da |
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Updated Files
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